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December 28, 2016

5 valuable Lessons Learned From Successful YouTuber Casey Neistat

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There will always be a positive thing that can be learned on the journey to success. Similarly, the story of a successful YouTuber, Casey Neistat.
From the beginning to build everything from scratch, Casey proved that hard work is not going to be something in vain. Currently, in addition to successfully become youtuber earn millions of dollars, he is also known as a film maker and founder of the popular applications Beme.
Here are some excerpts positive that we can learn from the story of Casey Neistat.
1. No Job is Too Small
Casey Neistat tale began when he had to work independently since their teens. The man who only completed high school has struggled to finance his children by working odd jobs.He had been a dishwasher in a small restaurant to run a variety of menial jobs to support the family. But very interesting, he was starting to like the world of film making and continue to develop his passion in a variety of limitations
The money that he can, in addition to meeting the needs of the family also used to support the efforts of indie filmmaking that he did.

2. Do It!
In an interview excerpt, Casey said that when we go on a field, especially in the field of entrepreneurs, sometimes the only thing we can trust is instinct. Sometimes, we can not be too long to think or consider a good or bad thing we will do. This will only impede our steps.

"Thinking is a thing that would prevent a person to act" Casey said.

So to be able to start something big, we have to proceed on our instincts. Because instincts will guide a person to continue living despite the many difficulties.

3. Consistency Is the Key
When asked about the secret of success being a YouTuber, Casey Neistat divulge the key is consistency. The reason why he managed to get subscriber in an incredible amount of it is, he always tries to give a new #video at the same time.
In the channel, the subscriber will be presented with a new vlog video about the daily life of Casey Neistat 08.00 every morning. This is the reason why, the subscribernya able to give loyalty to continue to support the channel belongs to Casey.
When, hearings or in this case the customer we know that we can always be counted at the right time, then they will continue to follow us even tell others positive things about ourselves. And this is what is needed to become a successful YouTuber.

4. When had the opportunity, advantage of the Maximum
A story when Casey got an offer of cooperation from companies appreal Nike. At that time he was asked to make a short film as a Nike promotional material. Video titled Make it Count is finally able to be a stepping stone toward Casey greater opportunity.

Do not want to waste this opportunity, he did a tour around the world to create an extraordinary video. For 10 days visiting various countries to take video making materials.
Once the video is finished, the video is able to be the video that make he famous and watched over 22 million times via the video sharing site #youtube.
Every opportunity that is owned by Casey was used so maximum. Another example of that is when he got the opportunity to create a mobile application called Beme. Applications that can be used to create a short video is the result of cooperation with one of his brothers.
Although created with a budget that is not too high, but with a genuine good idea, the application is able to attract attention and downloaded more than one million users worldwide. Here, the reason why a large media company CNN, dare to acquire these applications with a value of 25 million dollars

.5. Be Yourself
The last lesson of Casey is to always be yourself. Plunge into the world of YouTube can not be coincide with an instant desire for large profits. Sometimes, a lot of youtuber must be having a tough time to be recognized and gained the attention of viewers. And one of the key is to always be yourself.

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