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December 26, 2016

how to build a bussiness that nearly without funding

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Ok, maybe you are someone who has the entrepreneurial spirit and wishing to have our own business. You are a visionary and have the skill to realize the vision. It makes you very excited, to be willing to take risks to realize the dream of becoming an entrepreneur, for example, leaving your current job.

hold down bro, do not rush. Before I ever experienced this, so I know how it feels. I used to be desperate to leave the main job without sufficient savings to start the business. The main income is lost, any business it does not work. Finally I lack the money to run the business and for living expenses.

How to build a business with a fund (money) mediocre or even without fund? This question must have often struck us, especially friends who do not have sufficient capital. In my opinion, MAY today there is no longer a business that can be run without any capital at all. Maybe you know yes, as far as my experience the average current business needs fund,  although it's small.
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Why A Business Needs Money For fund

On the surface, the lack of capital may seem like a big problem. But of course this is not going to stop you in the pursuit of a dream. Actually, we could start and develop a business with almost no fund of his personal finances, if you know how.

How to?

First, let us consider why a business that will be pioneered need money? There is no definite measure how much it costs to build a business, because each type of business has different needs.

So it is very important to estimate what will be required by your business and how much fund is needed for it. That way we can find alternatives to meet those needs.

Perhaps the following list of needs could be an example:

1. The licenses and permits.
 Does your business need a license to operate?
 It is very important to remember some of the events unpalatable experienced by  businesses because it operates before have licenses and permits. The case of the baby  food business and leisure BebiLuck snack Bikini Squeeze I can be a lesson for us.

2. Inventory. Do you need to buy raw materials? Do you need a computer and / or other    devices?

3. Equipment.
 Do you need a special machine or software to run a business?

4. The office space
If your business must have an office, then this could be a great cost. In addition, you also can not ignore things like the cost of installation of internet and utilities.

5. The operational costs
It is one of the costs that could swell if not properly taken into account, for example, electricity costs, telephone costs, accommodation costs, and more.

6. Employees and business partners
If you can not run the business alone, then you need people who cooperate with your business. This could be a sizable outlay.

By looking at the list above requirements, we have 3 options so that businesses can run even a lack of fund.

A. Changing Business Model

The first option is to change your business model, thereby reducing the need mentioned in the list above. For example, if you originally wanted to build a business that is engaged in the online media that requires a lot of reporters and writers, then the operating processes must be changed. You can start this business by being the only writer in the online media that you wake up, so no need to spend a lot of money to pay the reporter and writer.

Additionally, you can also reduce expenditures for renting office by using one of the rooms in your home as an office. You can even run the business with a lot of other minimize of expense if still possible, and look for a less expensive option. This will help reduce the burden of spending at the beginning of your business.

Even so, of course, there are costs that can not be avoided, for example if your business must have a license or legal assistance. You must set aside for this.

B. Starting from the Most Simple

The second option is to start your business from the simplest things. Instead of immediately starting a business with a large scope, you can start the business with the simple things first.

Suppose you are an employee in the company's broker and want to build a business in itself that is relevant to your interests and your current profession. Surely this is membutuhan funds and the licensing process was not easy. Do you want to build a business dream to be buried? Certainly not.

As a start, you can create a website or blog with a niche that relate to your interests and your profession, for example, create a blog on learning to trade,. Besides the more you understand the ins and outs of the futures brokerage business, with a website / blog in the niche, you will gain trust from readers who feel that with your blog.

It's not just about building a business, but also build the capacity of self that little by little will continue to grow. In time, a small business from your blog will give you an advantage. When you've got income, invest for yourself, get knowledge and build a business of your dreams, step by step to succeed.

C. Expect Resources From Outside

A third option is to get outside funding source. it,s like :

1. Borrow from friends or family;
 This option could be considered if you have friends or family who have excess funds to help your business stub.

2. Angel investors;
 They are the individuals who have a lot of money (rich) and are willing to invest in a business. Typically they invest in a business with the hope of getting a piece of the ownership of the business.

3. Venture capitalists;
 Much like Angel investor, but usually they be organizations or partnerships and tend to target the existing businesses.

4. Crowdfunding;
 Crowdfunding is quite popular in Indonesia. But to get funding from crowdfunding, you must have an idea or a product that is really nice and can solve the problems of others. One example is the Startup Danadidik.

5. Bank loans; The last option is to borrow money from the bank.
By doing one or two of the options mentioned above, of course, you can reduce personal expenses in building a business, or even virtually no outlay. Of course you still do some sacrifices, for example to accommodate a partner, doing little jobs, borrowing money from banks, and others. But if you believe in the business idea to be run, all these sacrifices will not be in vain

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