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December 29, 2016

Creative! the Little girl earn a lot of Money From Selling "Password" high Super Safe

Hasil gambar untuk gadis pembuat password super aman
the creative girls
Given backwards, when asked when the age of 11 years what we could do at that time? Answer colleagues would be very diverse. I myself at that time has learned to ride a bicycle and enjoying game rental console in front of the school (who never try too? Hehe)

But what has been done a little girl who is certainly a far cry from what I was used to doing. At the age of 11 years, the girl named Mira Modi has been able to create something that even many adults may not necessarily be. He was able to create a unique password data though results Diceware special passphrase. What is that? surely the girl from New York, the United States can create a password that is super safe and guaranteed anti-hacker.

Even more interestingly, that he made his business expertise into a password-making services with high security level. The business of Modi least get additional money saving and of course a very important experience for the future. Learn more about the story of Mira Modi develop his unique business, can be listened to through the article below.

Hasil gambar untuk gadis pembuat password super aman

 Starting From the Mother

recently , the name of Mira Modi warm enough #online media discussed in the American region because of her ability to create passwords Passphrase with Diceware mechanism. Not only making, he also sells the expertise to anyone who wants to have a password with a high level of security but still easy to remember.

Advantages of Modi is certainly not just appear. at first the person who had introduced to herself about making a password  technique is her own mother, Julia Angwin. Julia is a journalist one of the major media in America. one day mother asked Modi to create multiple passwords diceware passphrase that will be used for research needs.

After studying them, it turns out he was very interested and further hone their abilities. The result is extraordinary, from initially only helps project belonged to his mother, now Modi actually plunge into small business after seeing the opportunity a lot of people who want to have a high-security password.

At a Glance of Techniques Passphrase Diceware

For colleagues who do not understand such as whether the technique of making the passphrase with a password Diceware method, a simple passphrase is a password-shaped longer than passwords in general. Passphrase The password can consist of some random words that form sentences without pattern some 20 to 40 characters.

In making the passphrase itself there is one method that can be used the method Diceware. Diceware is a method to obtain a series of data based on the results throw of the dice (Dice). Simply put, the future of the encoder will roll the dice as much as five times to get 5 random numbers. Next 5 number is matched to the custom dictionary that contains many random words in the English language.a

Then, the creator will repeat the process as much as 6 times to get 6 different words. The composition of 6 words is exactly what the end product Passphrase Diceware.

With this method, it is claimed will generate passwords that are complex and difficult to solve. But for people who have the password, will be made more unique and so only he could know the password for the super safe.

Modi Income Exceeds Standards Worker Salaries

At the age of 11 years who would have thought Modi has been able to get money from her own creativity. Although he did not really focus on revenue, but is innocent he says tetep happier and more spirit because he can get the money themselves.

Mira Modi open services based encryption passphrase with a tariff only 2 dollars for each password. But with the number of incoming orders, every hour the girl was still in elementary school are able to pocket no less than 12 dollars. And in fact, the figure is higher than the average wage in the city of New York, which amounted to 8.75 dollars / hour.

In the future the service that he has made through her personal website andt she going to continue to develop. Especially for digital security issues, Modi claimed more interested and want to learn more. I sure no needt take long time, young talents like Modi will soon facilitated many large technology companies in America.

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