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December 29, 2016

Creative! the Little girl earn a lot of Money From Selling "Password" high Super Safe

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the creative girls
Given backwards, when asked when the age of 11 years what we could do at that time? Answer colleagues would be very diverse. I myself at that time has learned to ride a bicycle and enjoying game rental console in front of the school (who never try too? Hehe)

But what has been done a little girl who is certainly a far cry from what I was used to doing. At the age of 11 years, the girl named Mira Modi has been able to create something that even many adults may not necessarily be. He was able to create a unique password data though results Diceware special passphrase. What is that? surely the girl from New York, the United States can create a password that is super safe and guaranteed anti-hacker.

Even more interestingly, that he made his business expertise into a password-making services with high security level. The business of Modi least get additional money saving and of course a very important experience for the future. Learn more about the story of Mira Modi develop his unique business, can be listened to through the article below.

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 Starting From the Mother

recently , the name of Mira Modi warm enough #online media discussed in the American region because of her ability to create passwords Passphrase with Diceware mechanism. Not only making, he also sells the expertise to anyone who wants to have a password with a high level of security but still easy to remember.

Advantages of Modi is certainly not just appear. at first the person who had introduced to herself about making a password  technique is her own mother, Julia Angwin. Julia is a journalist one of the major media in America. one day mother asked Modi to create multiple passwords diceware passphrase that will be used for research needs.

After studying them, it turns out he was very interested and further hone their abilities. The result is extraordinary, from initially only helps project belonged to his mother, now Modi actually plunge into small business after seeing the opportunity a lot of people who want to have a high-security password.

At a Glance of Techniques Passphrase Diceware

For colleagues who do not understand such as whether the technique of making the passphrase with a password Diceware method, a simple passphrase is a password-shaped longer than passwords in general. Passphrase The password can consist of some random words that form sentences without pattern some 20 to 40 characters.

In making the passphrase itself there is one method that can be used the method Diceware. Diceware is a method to obtain a series of data based on the results throw of the dice (Dice). Simply put, the future of the encoder will roll the dice as much as five times to get 5 random numbers. Next 5 number is matched to the custom dictionary that contains many random words in the English language.a

Then, the creator will repeat the process as much as 6 times to get 6 different words. The composition of 6 words is exactly what the end product Passphrase Diceware.

With this method, it is claimed will generate passwords that are complex and difficult to solve. But for people who have the password, will be made more unique and so only he could know the password for the super safe.

Modi Income Exceeds Standards Worker Salaries

At the age of 11 years who would have thought Modi has been able to get money from her own creativity. Although he did not really focus on revenue, but is innocent he says tetep happier and more spirit because he can get the money themselves.

Mira Modi open services based encryption passphrase with a tariff only 2 dollars for each password. But with the number of incoming orders, every hour the girl was still in elementary school are able to pocket no less than 12 dollars. And in fact, the figure is higher than the average wage in the city of New York, which amounted to 8.75 dollars / hour.

In the future the service that he has made through her personal website andt she going to continue to develop. Especially for digital security issues, Modi claimed more interested and want to learn more. I sure no needt take long time, young talents like Modi will soon facilitated many large technology companies in America.

December 28, 2016

5 Things do Amazon boss, Jeff Bezos Outside his bussines

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When talking about online business, the name of Jeff Bezos certainly can not be ruled out. Because the boss and also
  founder of the company # e-commerce major Amazon, is one of the business leaders who are considered the most brilliant in this century.

The result can be seen, with the business growing unusually large as well as the support of many projects he handled, Jeff managed to register his name as number 5 richest in the world in the Forbes list with a net worth of 45.2 billion dollars.

And if asked, guess what things are done by Jeff Bezos beyond the routine work? Here's 5 things to do Jeff that might make you wonder.

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1. Get enough sleeping
In a joint interview to foreign news, Jeff said that sleep is one of the most important activities for entrepreneurs. Although most of the other big name in the world of industrial technology, more time in his life to work, but not with Jeff.

He even apply specifically to sleep for 8 hours a day without any interruption. Jeff believes that sleep is one of the best ways to cope with stress and work overload. Even once upon a time, he took the sleeping bag to the office to make sure he was comfortable enjoying a nap.

Interestingly, Jeff was never to use an alarm to wake him. He said they might wake up independently at the right time, because he was used to.

2. Explain Unique Hobby

As a wealthy and popular figure, perhaps predictable that Jeff also has other hobbies than the average person. what is he hobby?

he is known that the father of four children has a very unique hobby that former hunting space rocket in the depths of the sea. When not working, Jeff often spend a lot of time across the sea to find a former NASA rocket dumped in several oceans of the world.In the search, Jeff even once spent three weeks just looking for anything I've ever tasted tastes such space.

3. Running a Side Project

Because of his role in amazon #jeff, he doesn't spending many times to amazon, Jeff finally have a gap to develop other projects in a side from to Amazon.

 recently, he bought one of the popular print media company in the United States, the Washington Post. And after the purchase, the only thing that changed from the Washington Post is the loading speed of their online sites.

Other projects, he did, when in 2000 ago who founded an aerospace services company called Blue Origin LLC. When asked to make the company's goal, he dreamed could provide an opportunity for every person to travel into space.

4. Spending Time in the morning with the freedom

Taking the example of another technology that is the billionaire of Steve Jobs, one of profile who always set up a specific timetable for filling the next morning. he even just eat the same menu and do the same routine every morning.But unlike Steve Jobs,

 Jeff thinks that the morning is a good time to do whatever he wanted. He never planned anything in the morning, especially for business and with regard to his role as CEO.In the morning, Jeff and often try  variety of new menu that often a  eccentric menu, like for example eating octopus pork with garlic yogurt for breakfast

5. chatting with family

One fact that may not be too well known by the public, was the father of Jeff did not really know Jeff existence, because he dumped her mother while being pregnant. But perhaps it is precisely this which later became the motivation for Jeff to not make the same mistake.

Jeff tried to be a good family man for his family. To his wife and four of his children, Jeff always gives a special time for them, especially in the morning or at moments that are used to vacation with family.

This is the other side of Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon digital company. Behind the extraordinary life is busy, Jeff still had time to do the things he says is far more important than just the pursuit of the world. And of course, this could be an inspiration to us all.

5 valuable Lessons Learned From Successful YouTuber Casey Neistat

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There will always be a positive thing that can be learned on the journey to success. Similarly, the story of a successful YouTuber, Casey Neistat.
From the beginning to build everything from scratch, Casey proved that hard work is not going to be something in vain. Currently, in addition to successfully become youtuber earn millions of dollars, he is also known as a film maker and founder of the popular applications Beme.
Here are some excerpts positive that we can learn from the story of Casey Neistat.
1. No Job is Too Small
Casey Neistat tale began when he had to work independently since their teens. The man who only completed high school has struggled to finance his children by working odd jobs.He had been a dishwasher in a small restaurant to run a variety of menial jobs to support the family. But very interesting, he was starting to like the world of film making and continue to develop his passion in a variety of limitations
The money that he can, in addition to meeting the needs of the family also used to support the efforts of indie filmmaking that he did.

2. Do It!
In an interview excerpt, Casey said that when we go on a field, especially in the field of entrepreneurs, sometimes the only thing we can trust is instinct. Sometimes, we can not be too long to think or consider a good or bad thing we will do. This will only impede our steps.

"Thinking is a thing that would prevent a person to act" Casey said.

So to be able to start something big, we have to proceed on our instincts. Because instincts will guide a person to continue living despite the many difficulties.

3. Consistency Is the Key
When asked about the secret of success being a YouTuber, Casey Neistat divulge the key is consistency. The reason why he managed to get subscriber in an incredible amount of it is, he always tries to give a new #video at the same time.
In the channel, the subscriber will be presented with a new vlog video about the daily life of Casey Neistat 08.00 every morning. This is the reason why, the subscribernya able to give loyalty to continue to support the channel belongs to Casey.
When, hearings or in this case the customer we know that we can always be counted at the right time, then they will continue to follow us even tell others positive things about ourselves. And this is what is needed to become a successful YouTuber.

4. When had the opportunity, advantage of the Maximum
A story when Casey got an offer of cooperation from companies appreal Nike. At that time he was asked to make a short film as a Nike promotional material. Video titled Make it Count is finally able to be a stepping stone toward Casey greater opportunity.

Do not want to waste this opportunity, he did a tour around the world to create an extraordinary video. For 10 days visiting various countries to take video making materials.
Once the video is finished, the video is able to be the video that make he famous and watched over 22 million times via the video sharing site #youtube.
Every opportunity that is owned by Casey was used so maximum. Another example of that is when he got the opportunity to create a mobile application called Beme. Applications that can be used to create a short video is the result of cooperation with one of his brothers.
Although created with a budget that is not too high, but with a genuine good idea, the application is able to attract attention and downloaded more than one million users worldwide. Here, the reason why a large media company CNN, dare to acquire these applications with a value of 25 million dollars

.5. Be Yourself
The last lesson of Casey is to always be yourself. Plunge into the world of YouTube can not be coincide with an instant desire for large profits. Sometimes, a lot of youtuber must be having a tough time to be recognized and gained the attention of viewers. And one of the key is to always be yourself.

December 26, 2016

how to build a bussiness that nearly without funding

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Ok, maybe you are someone who has the entrepreneurial spirit and wishing to have our own business. You are a visionary and have the skill to realize the vision. It makes you very excited, to be willing to take risks to realize the dream of becoming an entrepreneur, for example, leaving your current job.

hold down bro, do not rush. Before I ever experienced this, so I know how it feels. I used to be desperate to leave the main job without sufficient savings to start the business. The main income is lost, any business it does not work. Finally I lack the money to run the business and for living expenses.

How to build a business with a fund (money) mediocre or even without fund? This question must have often struck us, especially friends who do not have sufficient capital. In my opinion, MAY today there is no longer a business that can be run without any capital at all. Maybe you know yes, as far as my experience the average current business needs fund,  although it's small.
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Why A Business Needs Money For fund

On the surface, the lack of capital may seem like a big problem. But of course this is not going to stop you in the pursuit of a dream. Actually, we could start and develop a business with almost no fund of his personal finances, if you know how.

How to?

First, let us consider why a business that will be pioneered need money? There is no definite measure how much it costs to build a business, because each type of business has different needs.

So it is very important to estimate what will be required by your business and how much fund is needed for it. That way we can find alternatives to meet those needs.

Perhaps the following list of needs could be an example:

1. The licenses and permits.
 Does your business need a license to operate?
 It is very important to remember some of the events unpalatable experienced by  businesses because it operates before have licenses and permits. The case of the baby  food business and leisure BebiLuck snack Bikini Squeeze I can be a lesson for us.

2. Inventory. Do you need to buy raw materials? Do you need a computer and / or other    devices?

3. Equipment.
 Do you need a special machine or software to run a business?

4. The office space
If your business must have an office, then this could be a great cost. In addition, you also can not ignore things like the cost of installation of internet and utilities.

5. The operational costs
It is one of the costs that could swell if not properly taken into account, for example, electricity costs, telephone costs, accommodation costs, and more.

6. Employees and business partners
If you can not run the business alone, then you need people who cooperate with your business. This could be a sizable outlay.

By looking at the list above requirements, we have 3 options so that businesses can run even a lack of fund.

A. Changing Business Model

The first option is to change your business model, thereby reducing the need mentioned in the list above. For example, if you originally wanted to build a business that is engaged in the online media that requires a lot of reporters and writers, then the operating processes must be changed. You can start this business by being the only writer in the online media that you wake up, so no need to spend a lot of money to pay the reporter and writer.

Additionally, you can also reduce expenditures for renting office by using one of the rooms in your home as an office. You can even run the business with a lot of other minimize of expense if still possible, and look for a less expensive option. This will help reduce the burden of spending at the beginning of your business.

Even so, of course, there are costs that can not be avoided, for example if your business must have a license or legal assistance. You must set aside for this.

B. Starting from the Most Simple

The second option is to start your business from the simplest things. Instead of immediately starting a business with a large scope, you can start the business with the simple things first.

Suppose you are an employee in the company's broker and want to build a business in itself that is relevant to your interests and your current profession. Surely this is membutuhan funds and the licensing process was not easy. Do you want to build a business dream to be buried? Certainly not.

As a start, you can create a website or blog with a niche that relate to your interests and your profession, for example, create a blog on learning to trade,. Besides the more you understand the ins and outs of the futures brokerage business, with a website / blog in the niche, you will gain trust from readers who feel that with your blog.

It's not just about building a business, but also build the capacity of self that little by little will continue to grow. In time, a small business from your blog will give you an advantage. When you've got income, invest for yourself, get knowledge and build a business of your dreams, step by step to succeed.

C. Expect Resources From Outside

A third option is to get outside funding source. it,s like :

1. Borrow from friends or family;
 This option could be considered if you have friends or family who have excess funds to help your business stub.

2. Angel investors;
 They are the individuals who have a lot of money (rich) and are willing to invest in a business. Typically they invest in a business with the hope of getting a piece of the ownership of the business.

3. Venture capitalists;
 Much like Angel investor, but usually they be organizations or partnerships and tend to target the existing businesses.

4. Crowdfunding;
 Crowdfunding is quite popular in Indonesia. But to get funding from crowdfunding, you must have an idea or a product that is really nice and can solve the problems of others. One example is the Startup Danadidik.

5. Bank loans; The last option is to borrow money from the bank.
By doing one or two of the options mentioned above, of course, you can reduce personal expenses in building a business, or even virtually no outlay. Of course you still do some sacrifices, for example to accommodate a partner, doing little jobs, borrowing money from banks, and others. But if you believe in the business idea to be run, all these sacrifices will not be in vain

December 25, 2016

5 way of thinking and character Successful Entrepreneur Bob sadino version, he was the most influential entrepeuneur in indonesian

he is the bob sadino was in his big supermarket kemchiks and kemfood

Entrepreneurship is a job that is now increasingly a place in society. With all the advantages offered, entrepreneurship or business is increasingly becoming the choice of profession in such high demand.
But in business full of challenges and obstacles of course business is just not enough to rely on capital and resources. More than that they desperately need something more important than that is way of thinking/ brave and a strong character. Not a few businessmen even got out of business because they do not have the mental and character entrepreneurship are qualified.
When they do not go to reap profits despite a long-standing, businessmen who do not have the way of thinking/ brave and character bear will soon disappear. way of thinking/ brave and successful entrepreneur character is what then makes an Indonesian business mogul, Bob Sadino, became a successful businessman and founder Kemfood and Kemchick.
Here are 5 character and way of thinking/ brave must a successful entrepreneur by Bob Sadino in order to successfully run a business.

1. Intention and Determined Strong

way of thinking and the first character of a successful #entrepreneur according to Bob Sadino is to have a strong will and determination. When you first start a business or start your course will be dealing with a lot of activities to realize the business plan.

So with the good intention and  strong determination  you will be able to go through all the activities and fulfill all the existing business plan. Intention and strong determination business of these entrepreneurs by Bob Sadino can be seen from the seriousness and spent time for business.
If they still make only as a sideline business, it means that the intention and determination is still not strong yet. But if the business already has a strong will and determination, they will spend all his time on business and company.

2. have a burning desire

In a business that is full of challenges, obstacles and hurdles necessarily business people will often feel a turmoil pessimistic or hopeless. So by having the brave and strong-willed character to be successful, businesses will be able to go through all the problems in the future

3. Dare to Take Risks

As owners and business leaders, often you will be required to determine business decisions that could determine the fate and future of your business. Well here you are required to think hard, because your decision is crucial for your business.

Rather than retreat, you will be required to take the risk of any decision to be taken. The courage to take this business risk by Bob Sadino a mental character and a successful entrepreneur true. Loss? It is common, a businessman must be ready to risk the worst of the business that he run. For those who do not wish to risk the worst, Bob suggested that they do not have to bother a businessman.

4. resilient and not being a crybaby

Entrepreneurship is learning to be independent and also make the extent of employment. Well to be independent businessmen had to be willing durable and not a crybaby when facing challenges and obstacles. What if they are businessmen is whiny when they want to create new jobs for others.

Of course this does not sync at all. According to Bob Sadino, an entrepreneur should be someone who durable and not a crybaby because they will definitely face a lot of the problems in business. If they are not resilient, we can be sure they will be easily eroded and eliminated from the business world.

5. Good entrepreneur  Always be grateful and Thankfull
Lastly, way of thingking and character of a successful  Bob Sadino businessman version is always sincere and grateful. Although on the one hand employers must have the will and determination to achieve success. But on the other hand, an entrepreneur is also required to always sincere and grateful in all its business achievement.To be successful according to Bob Sadino businessman is necessary requires a process that must always lived with a sense of sincerity and gratitude. Taste sincerity and gratitude will make every businessman can interpret the results obtained from the business,in  any small business profit he gained.

tension with the United States, the Chinese aircraft carrier military exercise in the Pacific west

Tegang dengan AS, Kapal Induk China Latihan Militer di Pasifik Barat
Chinese aircraft carrier, Liaoning, will conduct military exercises in the western Pacific amid tensions with the US. 

BEIJING - Chinese news reported Chinese aircraft carrier, Liaoning, will take part in military exercises in the Western Pacific. Liaoning will be part of the formation of national navies broader sent to the region.

"Liaoning will conduct military exercises in the Western Pacific," said a spokesman for People's Liberation Army Navy, Liang Yang, so the China Global Times as quoted from Russia Today, Sunday (25/12/2016).

It is believed to be the first time the aircraft carrier to participate in the open sea training.
On Saturday, Liaoning joined the Navy war games taking place in the Yellow Sea. In latikan that Liaoning has the support of destroyers and frigates. The exercise also involves the fighter jet made in China's own J-15, which was assigned to fly from Liaoning.

China's Defense Ministry also announced that the aircraft carrier is scheduled to cross-sea training and testing. According to the Global Times, Liaoning will conduct further training in other parts of the maritime area of ​​China which include the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea.

Liaoning is the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov class that was originally launched for the Soviet Union in 1988. China gained boat that was intact from Ukraine ten years later and operates the aircraft carrier was in 2012.

Potential air deployment to the Western Pacific will come amid rising tensions between the United States (US) and China. South China Sea region, where Liaoning operate, has become one of the reasons behind the tensions between the United States (US) and China.

Both the US and China accusing each other perform saber rattling and military deployment. China claims the South China Sea is its territory and often prevent the US Navy patrol says legitimate to do so because of the freedom of navigation.

December 21, 2016

alert in 6 types of your coworker

discomfort in the workplace may occur because the work environment is not conducive and co-workers who do not support the career development.

Therefore, before you already feel bad experience, need to be aware of the six types of co-workers who can threaten your career, 
the lickers
If there is an achievement or successful projects carried out by the team, then he was the first to display himself in front of the boss. licker type also known hobby 'advance search'. He did not hesitate to propose to be a spokesman for the team whenever there is the success achieved by the team. In fact, success is the result of teamwork.
Not infrequently, you can see him looking for the attention of important people in the workplace by pretending as the most busy when the boss is watching.

the Backstabber
You have to be careful with the backstabber or known stab in the back! The reason, most likely you do not realize the true nature because he was good to be nice and pretend friendly towards you. In fact, behind you, he often spread negative stories about you.
Colleague who like poking out of the back did not hesitate to betray you in order to pursue personal interests.

Can also he deliberately invites you to relax yourself when you're chasing deadlines, when he had finished his task since yesterday.

the complainant

Beware on the repairman shootout. Usually they have a victim's mental, so it acts as though he often impaired by his co-workers to another. In fact, it is not so in reality.

Coworkers like this usually often complain to superiors and HR. Instead, avoid associating with co-workers like this. You never know what he says about you to your boss or HR.

The Bad Influence

Do not until you get along with colleagues who bring a bad influence, because it could ruin your career.

The bearer of bad influence normally diligent invite you to gossip, to speak ill of others, teach you to have fun and spend money, or invite you to laze around during working hours. Of course, if easily distracted, you'll find hanging out with him is exciting.

You have a colleague like this? Before you get carried away too much, trying to reevaluate what career goals you want to achieve. If you are still permissive with the presence of co-workers like this, it means you give up your chance to grab a better career.

the critics

Harsh criticism always comes out of the mouth of the critic. You may be happy to hear criticism and constructive suggestions, but one critic who's always throwing criticism for dropping his co-workers. Surely sucks, does not it?

Continually mixing with colleagues who criticize hobby can make you feel inferior. As a result, your work performance is also declining along with the decrease your confidence.

the Bully

Type employee "artisan bully" hobby bully coworkers because they feel jealous of the achievements of others work.

 Not only threaten and make restless colleagues with words that pierce the heart, he could bear to do more evil actions to work on other people, including you.

For example, damage your vehicle until your slander. It takes nerves of steel to meet the repairman bully. If you are not strong mentally, you may choose to withdraw from the workplace in order to avoid him.

the moment when russian ambassador shot in turkey ankara

so sad in this incident lest chek it out

RBI issued 22.6 billion pieces of banknotes between Nov 10 to Dec 19

the reserves bank of India (RBI) on Wednesday said it issued a total of 22.6 billion pieces of notes of various denominations post demonetisation.

Demonetisation: RBI issued 22.6 billion pieces of banknotes between Nov 10 to Dec 19
New Delhi, Dec 21: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Wednesday said it issued a total of 22.6 billion pieces of notes of various denominations post demonetisation. RBI said it issued a total of 22.6 billion pieces of notes of various denominations between November 10 to December 19. “The Reserve Bank has issued to the banks and their branches, for distribution to the public, a total of 22.6 billion pieces of notes of various denominations,” said the RBI press release.
While the RBI issued 22.6 billion pieces of banknotes between November 10 and December 19, the banks issued Rs 5,92,613 crore to public. “Over the period from November 10, 2016 upto December 19, 2016, banks have reported that banknotes worth Rs 5,92,613 crore have been issued to public either over the counter or through ATMs,” said the RBI.

Of the total 22.6 billion banknotes issued by the RBI, 20.4 billion pieces belonged to small denominations of Rs 10, 20, 50 and 100s and 2.2 billion belonged to higher denominations of Rs 2000 and Rs 500. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes on November 8, which led to massive cash crunch in the country.

December 20, 2016

Facebook, Twitter, Google sued by Orlando shooting victims' families

SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook, Google and Twitter are being sued by the families of three victims slain in the mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub for allegedly providing "material support" to the Islamic State.
The lawsuit, first reported by Fox News, was filed Monday in federal court in the eastern district of Michigan on behalf of the families of Tevin Crosby, Javier Jorge-Reyes and Juan Ramon Guerrero.
The lawsuit is the latest to target popular Internet services for making it too easy for the Islamic State to spread its message. In June, the family of a California college student killed in  last year's terrorist attacks in Paris sued Facebook, Google and Twitter. Keith Altman, the attorney representing the three families in the Orlando nightclub lawsuit, also represents the family of that student, Nohemi Gonzalez, in the Paris terrorist attacks lawsuit.
The Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, uses popular Internet services such as Facebook, Twitter and Google's YouTube to spread propaganda, to attract and train new recruits, to celebrate terrorist attacks and publicize executions.
Earlier this month, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter said they would share a database of terror images and videos to more quickly remove terrorism content.
Omar Mateen opened fire inside Orlando's Pulse nightclub in June, killing 49 patrons and injuring 53 others in one of the deadliest shooting sprees in U.S. history. A 29-year-old security guard who pledged his allegiance to ISIS, Mateen was not a member of the terrorist group but had been inspired by it.
"Without Defendants Twitter, Facebook, and Google (YouTube), the explosive growth of ISIS over the last few years into the most feared terrorist group in the world would not have been possible," the lawsuit alleges.
Facebook declined to comment. Google and Twitter did not respond to requests for comment.
The biggest hurdle the lawsuit faces is a federal law that shields publishers from liability for the speech of others.
In an interview, Altman said Facebook, Google and Twitter should be held liable for what users post on their services because they pair content with advertising.
"They create unique content by combining ISIS postings with advertisements in a way that is specifically targeted at the viewer," the lawsuit alleges. "Defendants share revenue with ISIS for its content and profit from ISIS postings through advertising revenue."
Earlier this month, Altman revised his lawsuit on behalf of Gonzalez's family to allege there, too, that the companies created "original content."
"Although defendants have not created the posting, nor have they created the advertisement, defendants have created new unique content by choosing which advertisement to combine with the posting," the lawsuit contends

Real Madrid have had their ban on signing players reduced to one transfer window following an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cas).
The Spanish side had originally been barred from signing players for two windows by world governing body Fifa.
They remain banned from registering new players this January but will now be able to make signings next summer.
The club have also had their fine reduced from 360,000 Swiss francs (£282,000) to Sfr 240,000 (£188,000).
Both Real and fellow Spanish side Atletico Madrid were banned after breaching rules over the transfer of foreign players under the age of 18.
In a statement on their official website, Real said: "The decision highlights the injustice of the original ban imposed by Fifa, although the club regrets that the Cas lacked the courage to revoke the ruling entirely."

No information has been given regarding Atletico's appeal against their ban and fine.
Fifa initially ruled on the case in January, but the appeals meant both Real and Atletico could sign players last summer.

Fifa's rules on the transfer of under-18s

The world governing body's investigation concerned players aged under 18 who played in competitions for Atletico between 2007 and 2014, and Real from 2005-2014.
Fifa bans the transfer of under-18s to different countries unless they meet strict criteria. It brought in the rules to help protect children from exploitation and trafficking.
Now, under-18s can only be transferred abroad if:
  • the player's parents move to the country in which the new club is located for non-
  • footballing reasons
  • both clubs are in the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) and the player is aged between 16 and 18 - even then the buying club must meet more criteria relating to education, training, living conditions and support
  • they live within 100km of the club.
Last year Fifa dealt with more than 2,700 applications for the transfer of a child to a club in another country. Almost 400 of those applications were rejected.